Comic Can 2024.
Many thanks, Adam!
Blog about, illustration, Photography, comic art, Films, Books...Blog sobre Ilustración, Fotografía, Comics, Películas, libros... y todo lo que nos ofrece esta sociedad decadente y corrupta (en este sentido, afortunadamente).
Words by the artist himself (1/10/2025):
"The Big Drawing with more or less finished inks. Microns, Tombow'Fudenosuke Brush Pens hard tip/soft tip, Tombow ABT N15 Brush Pen, Pentel Fine Point Correction Pens, Pentel P209 drafting pencils, Strathmore 400 2 ply Bristol drawing paper. 61.5 x 41.75. 2025.
The main part of the inking is complete. I've erased the entire drawing as well, in a series of separate efforts so my arm wouldn't fall off. 😉 I haven't signed it yet as I want to look it over with a little space between me and the finish in case I decide to tweak anything. But for all practical purposes, the drawing is done.
I began it in 2022. I don't recall the month but I started gathering materials for it probably in the early spring. I didn't work on it consistently, and we moved in the middle of everything so there were months when I didn't touch it. However, the last few months, I decided I needed to get it done, and pretty much gave up doing any other jobs until this one was finished.
Characters from left to right - nine Valkyries (including the Marvel version), Odin, Hildegarde, Heimdall, Tyr, Fandral the Dashing, Volstagg the Enormous, Skurge the Executioner, Balder the Brave, Karnilla the Norn Queen, Hogun the Grim, Amora the Enchantress, Thor, Surtur, Loki, Fenris Wolf, Beta Ray Bill, and Sif. Scattered throughout the drawing along the bottom and left side are various anonymous fire demons, part of Surtur’s army. The entire scene is occurring the Muspelheim, the Land of Fire and home of Surtur. All the named characters appear in the Marvel Comics universe and some of them originate in the actual Norse mythology. This particular scene is my own invention and does not occur in the myths.
Yay me!!"